| To carry out nationwide surveys on traditional medical practices and traditional healers and TM institutions. |
 | To establish and sponsor scientific research projects and programmers to fulfill its objectives. |
 | To train the various categories of traditional healers when necessary. |
 | To establish programmes to recruit and facilitate training of researchers, field workers and aides in the field of traditional medicine. |
 | To establish archival and documentation centre for the collection of research material and museum specimens on traditional medicine. |
 | To establish and maintain a bibliography of traditional medical literature. |
 | To establish a library pertaining to the field of traditional medicine and allied sciences. |
 | To establish a museum for traditional medicine and the history of medicine. |
 | To compile a national materia medica. |
 | To represent the Sudan in activities related to traditional medicine inside and outside the country. |
 | To work for the dissemination of knowledge in traditional medicine via publications, symposia, workshops …etc. |
 | To establish reciprocal relations with all persons and with local, regional and international organizations and institutions concerned with research in traditional medicine for the exchange of knowledge, experience and skills. |
 | To device strategies and plans to combat harmful practices in traditional medicine and protect the public against quackery, and device general policies and plans of health education in the field of traditional medicine. |
 | To enhance the propagation of knowledge and experience in traditional medicine and related fields via publications, symposia, workshops…etc. |
 | To supervise research conducted by foreigners in the Sudan in the area of traditional medicine. |