Tabaldi; Homera; Uffa (Hamaj), and Fak (Nuba). Baobab; Monkey bread tree; "Cream of tartar tree"; African calabash tree. Adansonia digitata L.
A huge arid zones wild tree; water reservoir when hollow. Each tree in western Kordofan has a name coined usually with `Um' (mother) and a substantive, e.g., Um Asal (full of honey). Each tree is registered in the government registry in the Region. Fruits (gongolaise) contains seeds covered with an edible sub-acid farinaceous pulp, which has cooling properties, and is made into madidat ( porridge) gongolaise. The powdered fruits (gongolaise) is mixed with powdered zirri'a (dura) and boiled with sour milk. Used in treating diarrhoea. It is also thought to induce pregnancy, and enlarge the breasts. Also used as diaphoretic, in treating dysentery, haemoptysis, diarrhoea, fever, abdominal disorders, and as beverage.
Tadar. Unidentified taxonomic name.
Anti-snake root of western Sudan. A chick is stuffed with this root and tied around the site bitten by a snake, it is alleged that the snake's teeth come off in 3 days.
Tailabon. Finger millet. Eleusine coracana (L.)Gaertn.
Parts used: seeds; whole young plant.
Talh. Talh tree. Acacia seyal Del.; Acacia seyal Del. Var, fistula Schweinf. Oliv., and Acacia seyal Del. var. seyal.
Talha hamra and talha baida, its bark is known as kitaiyat. Parts used: bark (decoction); gum; waqar al-wattaya (moisure on sole of the foot) of a woman after fumigating with talh is collected and rubbed on an itchy teething gum. Used in treating problems related to teething, syphilis, leprosy, diarrhoea, and joints affection.
Tamala is the levening plate cleansing cloth. Its contents, it is believed, if applied to the female breasts makes them larger.
Tamalaika. Amaranth; Bush greens. Amaranthus caudatus.
Parts used: leaves; seeds.
Tamatim. Tomato. Lycopersicum esculentum.
Fruit used for food.
Tamr Al-'Abid and Al-Tikko. Grewia villosa Willd.
A grey tomentose shrub. Parts used: leaves; stem; root. Used in treating syphilis, small pox, and tuberculosis.
Tamr; Balah, and Nakhal. Date palm tree. Phoenix dactylifera L.
A wild and cultivated tree in northern Sudan. Parts used: fruits; fronds used for toothbrushing and whitening teeth. Used also in water filteration, for speeding healing of fractures, in treating joints affections, as fertility symbol, and as substrate for alcohol beverages. Dates are made into madidat tamr (dates porridge).
Tanta. Unidentified taxonomic name.
Known in Fanda Hills in western Sudan. Stem is eaten by Kujur as protection against local snake god Ibidu whose shrine they have visited without observing due ritual.
Taraq Taraq and Shajar Al-Luban. Bowellia papyrifera (Del.).
A local deciduous tree. Fruits; leaves: used in treating jaundice .
Tarfa. Tamarix nilotica (Ehrenb.)Bunge.
Branches used in flavouring and purifying water.
Tarkin and Muluha.
A fermented fish dish in northern Sudan. Fish of all types containing bones are fermented preserving juice as much as possible; the filterate is muluha.
Teen. Figs. Ficus carica.
Tibet. Unidentified taxonomic name.
Tree root used in treating syphilis.
Tibra. Unidentified taxonomic name.
Tree root (decoction) used in treating syphilis.
Tien. Clay.
Ordinary clay lining jars of turbid water; or collected fresh fluvial clay after flood or obtained from deep river beds or from underneath earthenware water jars. It is used for treatment and is eaten by pregnant women and children. Used in treating chicken pox, and in water purification.
Tifta Hamra.
Indidixent obtained from Belgium. Constituents: Rosaniline, a Triphenyl-methane dye. Used in treating eye inflammation.
Tili (Golo). Terminalia splendida Engl. & Diels and Terminalia stenostachya Engl. & Diels.
Red wood (powdered) and used in treating dysentery.
Tinat Wad Al-Mikashfi.
Clay obtained from the shrine of Wad al-Mikashfi used as an anti-dote against snake bite.
Tinat Wad Al-Turabi.
A piece of clay obtained from the shrine of Sheikh Wad al-Turabi and used as an anti-dote against rabies.
Tirtir and Baroat. Sterculia setigera Del.
A deciduous tree. Bark used in treating jaundice, and bilharzia.
Toum. Garlic. Allium sativum L.
A cultivated small plant with pungent taste and very strong smell, grows in Sudan. Bulb used as diuretic, diaphoretic, expectorant, aphrodisiac, pesticide, stomachic, menstruation regulator, in treating sepsis, allergy, teething problems, fever, and joints affections.
Tuffah. Apple. Malus sylvestris.
Tuka. Unidentified taxonomic name.
Popular in Gardud Aulad Himaid. Root used in treating infection of the eye.
Tumbak and Qamsha. Tobacco. Nicotiana tobacum L. and Nicotiana rustica L.
Habit-making snuff (a pinch is inserted between upper or lower lips and gum (saffa) sometimes sniffed, leaves smoked in pipes or chewed. Parts used: leaves: sold in large circular cakes (decoction); used sometimes in hunting monkeys. Used as demulcent, toothache analgesic, anti-inflammatory, in managing teething, as mood adjuster, and dressing for wounds.
Turab Al-Arda.
Termite hill earth (Darfur). Constituents: Mainly quartz also kaolinite, feldspar, and anhydrite. Dusted over turbid water to purify it.
Turaiba and Turaiba Zukhri.
Turaiba earth, powder brought from the neighbourhood of Bara, Malimma near Atbara, Kosti, Khartoum and Qoz Rajab. Constituents: finely-divided yellowish brownish-black earth probably containing iodides of mercury, or lead chromate: taken as decoction with water; main part of "Syphilis Pills". Used also as laxative, purgative, emetic, and in treating tropical ulcers.
Turmus. Lupin. Lupinus termis L. and Lupinus albus L.
A cultivated plant. Seeds boiled and fermented before eaten alone or with dates. It is used in expediting healing of fractures, as diuretic, anthelmintic, in treating diabetes mellitus and skin infections.
Tutia Baida.
Metal with powder obtained from India. Constituents: Zink Sulphate, Zink Oxide amorphous powder; usually mixed with water. Used in treating inflammation of the eye.
Tutia Hamra. Rosaniline.
A triphenyl methane dye.
Tutia Khadra. Green Copper Sulphate.
Obtained from Egypt. Constituents: copper Sulphate. Used in treating syphilis.
Twini Digla.
"Intestine balls", fermented offals dish in Nuba Mountains. Offals are fermented and dried, 'atron, water and salt added, the damp material is made into balls which are left to dry and ferment for 8 more days. The balls are stored for months. Crushed and cooked for sauce making.