

A rare collection of annotated figures and plates capturing traditional health culture in the Sudan. Visitors are cordially asked to enrich this collection by donating any photograph they might have.

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Chain Maker

In interview with Mr. Al Tayib M. Al Tayib, Berber, April 1983.

A mentally ill Inmate

In conversation with Mr. Al Tayib M. Al Tayib and Dr. Amir Ali Hasan in Maseed Wad Al Faki Ali, Berber Al Halfa, April 1983

Kau Athlete

With amulets and beads necklaces, earring and tribal ash and lime face designs

Kau Girl

With plenty of protective amulets and bead necklaces worn around the neck and below the breast, rings and pins and characteristic hair-plaiting.

The Tying Cure

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Copyright © 2001 by Ahmad Al Safi. All rights reserved.

This site was last updated March 20, 2005