| | | | | Non-profit Organization - Name: Health Heritage Centre
- Place: Republic of the Sudan
- Objectives:
- Stimulates and encourages research in all aspects of the Sudanese medical heritage by providing support for clinical research projects on the safety and efficacy of TM products.
- Advocates the rational use of TM by promoting evidence-based use of TM.
- Helps in articulating national policies that facilitate integration of traditional therapies and products that were proven effective by modern science into the national health care system and programmes.
- Helps in developing human resources by training researchers, and educating, training, and rehabilitating traditional healthcare practitioners.
- Participates in formulating strategies, general policies, and plans for healthcare education and fighting harmful practices in TM.
- Participates in formulating and circulating legislations, laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines that organize research in and practice of traditional medicine including protection of endangered plant species.
- Manages information on TM by acting as a clearing-house to facilitate information exchange, and giving advice to universities, institutions, centres, and societies working in health.
- To achieve its goals, the foundation has the right to:
- Own land through lease, grant, exchange, or concession for cultivating medicinal and aromatic plans, establishing warehouses, laboratories, museums, libraries, and own buildings, patents, licenses, permists, and all other rights and concessions and any other buildings of any kind in the Sudan and outside Sudan.
- Perform consultancies and feasibility studies for projects on cultivating medicinal and aromatic plants, and manufacturing medicinal and healthcare products.
- Cultivating, producing exporting and importing medicinal and aromatic plants and raw material, and packing, storing, processing, and extracting active ingredients.
- Importing and exporting agricultural raw materials and ingredients and all requirements for cultivation like pumps, generators, cultivators, tractors, and fertilizers of all kind.
- Lease, own, and import cars for transport, machinery and equipment for research, education and training.
- Establish and organize branches for the Foundation in the Sudan and outside the Sudan.
- Establish any other organizations to undertake jobs that enhance the role of the Foundation.
- Perform any necessary actions that are deemed necessary or appropriate to achieve the set objectives.
- Hold scientific, educational and training activities including conferences, seminars, workshops, symposia and research, educational, and training tours and expeditions.
- Establish laboratories for research and training.
- Establish the Museum of Sudanese Healthcare Heritage and Medicinal Plants Herbarium.
- Perform activities of publication, printing in the field of health and produce books, and periodicals.
- Strengthen relations with similar organizations inside and outside the Sudan for the exchange of experience and knowledge.
- We the undersigned persons with the following names and addresses, propose to form a Foundation of ourselves according to this Charter.
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