

La'ba Murra. Bryonia. Bryonia cretica L.

A climbing herb imported from Egypt. Rhizome used to treat skin disease, diabetes mellitus, chest complaints, and as newborn skin paint.

La'oat.  Acacia oerfota (Forssk.) Schweinf.

Used in treating joints affections, as an anti-dote for scropion bite, and poultice.

Laban. Milk.

Is a popular drug carrier, and fertility symbol.

Laban Al-Baqar. Cow's milk.

Medicinally used to treat dysentery.

Laban Al-Ghanam. Goats' milk.

Used in treating measles, leprosy, skin disease, syphilis, and diarrhoea.

Laban Al-Humar. Donkey's milk.

Used in treating whooping cough.

Laban Al-Ibil. Camel's milk.

Used in treating enlarged spleens (see al-qaris), and ascites (istisqaa) when camel urine is added.

Laban Al-Umm. Mother's milk.

Considered cooked in breast. Used for treating diarrhoea, and eye inflammation.

Laban Rayib. Yoghourt.

Onion's squash or qarad pods added for children's diarrhoea.

Laham Abu Al-Dalaq.  

The meat of a rare black bird used in treating rabies.

Laham Al-Kadis. Cat's meat.

Used in treating whooping cough and syphilis.

Laham Al-Qunfut. Porcupine's meat.

Used as an oxytocic.

Laimoon. Lemon. Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.)Swingle.

Used as gurgle for tonsils; believed to be an anti-dote for poisons, and as a water flavouring agent.


A massage paste made of dura and other ingredients. Constituents: Dura porridge and oil. Ground rice or lupin added to help in application. Mainly used for massage.

Lakhokhat Bayad Al-Baid.  

A massage paste that helps the oily face. Constituents: Egg white.

Lakhokhat Khamirat Al-Biera.  

A face beautifacient massage paste. Constituents: Beer yeast and yoghourt.

Lakhokhat Safar Al-Baid.  

A massage paste that stretches the face. Constituents: egg yolk.

Lappa (Azande).  Erythrophleum guineense G.Don and Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.)Brenan.

Seeds and pods used in divination, as poison mainly as arrow poison.

Liba and Sarsoub.  

Colostrum of animals or human beings used as food.

Lidan.  Unidentified taxonomic name.

A root obtained in Herban in Kordofan.

Likbalie.  Unidentified taxonomic name.

Leaves, root (fumigant), used in treating syphilis, leprosy, and wounds.

Loz. Almonds. Prunus amygdalus.

Taken as qahwat loz (coffee with milk, rice, sugar, and crushed almonds) as beverage or porridge in Red Sea Region viz. in lailiyya of the Mirghaniyya sufi order. Crushed seeds used in treating cough, chest complaints. It is alledged to increase the amount of ejaculated semen.

Lu'ab Al-Baqara. Cow's saliva.

The saliva of a cow that died recently of cow pox is transfered in a cotton gauze to healthy cows as variolation to protect them against the disease.

Luba 'Afin and Lubia 'Afin. Red beans. Dolichos lablam L.; Dolichos pseudopachyrhizus Harms; Lablab niger Medic.; Lablab purpureus (L.)Sweet, and Neorautanenia mitis (A.Rich.)Verdc.

A fodder crop beans commonly used as balila. Also used whole in water purification, and as anthelmitic.

Luban.  Commiphora pedunculata (Kotschy & Peyr.)Engl.

Imported resinous balls obtained from a wild plant, used as chewing gum and burnt with incence. Gum-resin mainly used as fumigation ingredient.

Luban Ladin and Luban Dhakar. Olibanum; frakincense. Boswellia carteri Bird. and Boswellia sacra Fleuck.

A small tree that grows in the Sudan, also imported from Saudi Arabia, and North Africa. Resin, bark, and gum used for chewing and an important ingredient of bakhur (ritual incense). When burnt, the black powder is used as a cosmetic eye-liner.

Lubia Taiba and Lubia Tayyib.  Lobelia euflata.

Commonly used as balila. Seeds used for food and in treating inflammed eyes.

Lulu and Rak (Dinka). Butter tree; shea butter; galam butter. Butyrospermum parkii (Gaertn.f.)Hepper and Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn.f.

Fruit bulb, seeds, and oil massaged for relief of sciatica pain. Used in treating sciatica, for food and as oil source.